Original parts and replacements

Original parts and replacements

All spare parts necessary for the repair can be purchased at the Volkswagen showroom. However, you don't necessarily have to stock up on such points. Automotive stores have a wide selection of parts offered directly by manufacturers, Volkswagen's suppliers. However, you should refrain from purchasing parts of anonymous manufacturers (the so-called. „no name”). The money saving is small, you cannot count on professional advice and you risk buying the wrong part.

Parts that have a direct impact on driving safety, such as e.g.. friction inserts, brake discs, Brake cables, wheel bearings, driveshafts, steering rods, joints, you should always buy original ones of proven quality. Most cheap substitutes do not meet the quality requirements, provided by the manufacturer.

What will be the use of cheap brake discs from an unknown manufacturer?, if the front axle becomes unstable after their installation, and removing these symptoms in the repair shop will cost a lot of money.

Other items, such as oil filters, fuel, air, bulbs, seals, sealants, Bearings, tendon, brake pumps, brake cylinders, spark plugs, clutch plate etc., should be purchased in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations (original or substitutes). This will allow the repair to be carried out properly and avoid unexpected breakdowns of the car on the way, if the car was involved in an accident and it will be found out as a result of the accident expertise, that e.g.. brake friction inserts are not certified for their use, the owner of the vehicle may be in serious trouble for this. Your own safety and that of other road users should be worth a few zlotys more to you, spent on original parts.

Used parts

Many spare parts can be recycled. If you do not attach too much importance to the appearance of the car and you have limited financial resources, a good address is a car scrapping facility, which is a popular szrot. You can buy many sheet metal parts there, like the door, bumpers, Cover. It only makes sense to buy used parts that wear out quickly, if their condition is definitely better than these, which you intend to replace in your car. However, this happens relatively rarely.

On the road, you often have to remove the necessary element yourself. Before doing this, ask about the price. At most, it can be a sweat of the price in the store, and with fast-wearing parts, no more than 25% the price of the new part.

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