Body lubrication

Body lubrication

Periodically smear moving parts, which will ensure their long-lasting effect and prevent creaking, blocking yourself, tearing off and corroding these parts. Remember the principle of, that for hinges and joints tightly fitted, where solid grease cannot be introduced, use oil or grease spray. Rubbing surfaces are covered with grease or a special lubricating paste. These are measures, which adhere better to the surfaces covered with them.

■ A small dose of oil from time to time does a good job of the door and tailgate hinges.

■ Coat the door stoppers with a coat of multi-purpose grease.

■ Use a spray lubricant on the latches on the door and the boot lid.

■ Into the key holes for the locks, before the start of the cold season, introduce a little anti-rust agent. It has lubricating properties and binds moisture, protecting locks from corrosion and freezing in winter. Better, although more expensive, there is a special oil for locks, which defrosts the locks and protects them for a long time from re-freezing.

■ The point where the bonnet release link exits the protective shell, apply a little grease and by pulling the lever opening the lid several times, introduce grease into the rod guard.

■ Coat the metal eyelet on the bonnet and the lock latch with grease or spray.

■ Do not forget to lubricate the hinges on the bonnet with oil or spray grease.

■ Cover the sliding roof rails with a thin layer of silicone spray.

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