Guidelines for repairs

The lack of appropriate tools will make it impossible to perform the work independently. The car's factory-fitted tools do little more than replace a wheel.

Good organization and careful preparation of the workplace, is half the success of DIY enthusiasts. Work can only be done efficiently then, when the right workplace, and the right tools and materials are available. The pleasure of working independently is a necessary condition for success in caring for and repairing your own car.

Every amateur mechanic needs a suitable workplace. The most advantageous room is a sufficiently wide and well-lit garage with access to electricity. Of course, you can also work outdoors, but then, For safety reasons, it should be a flat and solid surface.

Getting ready for work
Repairing yourself only makes sense then, when the fault can be removed without major problems. Doing some serious work for the first time, can take so much time, that it will be cheaper and more reasonable to outsource the repair to a repairman in the workshop. In addition, remember, that the started repair should be completed. The condition for this is careful planning of work and preparation of all necessary materials in advance, tools, spare parts, user manual, wiring diagrams, etc..

How to work efficiently
■ Start by tidying up your workplace. Remove parts, previous repair bolts and materials, so as not to use something wrong by mistake.

■ Put the removed parts in sequence, which will greatly facilitate their subsequent assembly.

■ Put small items in small boxes or jars. You can also screw the screws back into place, which will prevent them from being lost and confused.

■ If there is a water drain nearby, it is necessary to cover it. Small elements like to be lost this way.

■ Read the repair and assembly manual carefully and carefully before starting any repair work. Leave them open on the correct side and put them within easy reach.

■ For more complex work, it is a good idea to draw up auxiliary sketches and record the sequence of component removal. This will make it easier to identify any mistakes made.

■ For work carried out lying down, np. at suspension or buffers, put an old blanket on yourself, and foil on it. It will protect you against cold and dirt on the floor.

■ Oil stains left on the floor after repair are best removed with household cleaners, or washing up liquid. Special measures are most effective, which can be purchased at auto stores.


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