Checking and adjusting the ignition advance angle – Opel Cadet – Engine 1.2

Checking and adjusting the ignition advance angle

The operation of checking the ignition advance angle should be preceded by the control of the contact shorting angle. This angle should be 47 …53° and is measured with the engine idling with the contact angle measuring device. If the value is different, remove the distributor cap and loosen the contact plate screw. Turn the engine over with the starter., so move the plate with a screwdriver, to get the correct indications of the instrument. After tightening the screw and installing the dome, check the idling angle of the contacts again. Not having a device, the contact shorting angle is checked indirectly, measuring the contact distance with a feeler gauge, which should be 0.4 mm.

The ignition advance angle should be measured with a strobe lamp. The measurement begins by removing the spark plug caps and disconnecting the vacuum hose. Connect the strobe lamp to the ignition cable 1 cylinder. Activate the starter and aim lamp at the setting marks. These marks are a cut on the crankshaft pulley and an embossing on the timing gear cover. These marks must match when the flash fires. If not, loosen the clamp bolt in the base of the ignition distributor and turn the distributor housing accordingly. By turning it clockwise, we delay ignition, on the contrary - we accelerate the ignition.

In case of, when we do not have a strobe lamp, the procedure is as follows. Bring the regulatory marks together. Check with the dome removed, that the divider finger points to the electrode 1, cylinder. In this setting, the breaker contacts are just before opening. Connect the control lamp between ground and the terminal at the manifold, to which the low voltage cable is connected. Loosen the clamping screw in the manifold base and turn the manifold housing, until the lamp turns on with the ignition on. This is the moment of opening the contacts. Tighten the clamping bolt and roll the car over, turn the crankshaft twice. Recheck the flash point.

The condition for accurate ignition timing by the second method is the presence of a slight play in the connections between the crankshaft and the distributor. To accurately grasp the opening point of the contacts, slow down the car when the signs approach. If you miss the point too quickly, when the lamp was turned on, then the crankshaft should be retracted by approx 1/4 rotation and repeat ripping characters. To eliminate the tooth play of the distributor drive, turn its shaft counterclockwise until it stops and let it go freely.

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