Vehicle Jacque de Vaucanson

In year 1748 a bizarre vehicle was also released, which was built by a Frenchman, Jacque de Vaucanson. He modernized and reworked the design of his compatriot, Richard, Pre 58 years, using a series of large spiral springs, Same, which were used in tower clocks. Chronicles of that time gave, that "(…) the driver was able to set the vehicle in motion and could stop it, and all this – without horses”.
The vehicle was demonstrated to the ruling monarch in France, who congratulated the inventor and ordered a similar vehicle for personal use, as an ornament of his collection of carriages. The show was watched by numerous guests of the monarch, and among them the Duke de Montmar, Baron de Avenac and Comte de Bauzum. Seeing a moving vehicle, to which horses were not harnessed, they just couldn't believe their eyes; they suspected the use of some "unclean force"” and many members of the French Academy expressed a firm opinion, that a vehicle without horses will never be able to drive on the roads.

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