Car body

In the light of the academic definition, formulated by Dr.. engineer. Janusz Pawlowski, "The body is a usable form for moving people, cargo or services in a manner appropriate to car construction techniques and transport technology and road regulations'. The classification of bodies proposed by the creator of this approach operates structure criterion. It captures body features that are relevant to the way static and dynamic loads are transmitted.. Each division is a more or less successful attempt to organize reality., which has changed over the years, escapes systematics. Like modern passenger cars, whose bodies have to meet ever stricter safety standards and whose designers have more and more freedom of action, can still be framed in a strictly defined framework?
The aforementioned classification distinguishes four types of supporting structures. The first is the detachable body (Separable), attached to the chassis frame with screws or locks. In the second case – integral body – these connections are inseparable, made as riveted or welded. Third kind – fully self-supporting body – it eliminates the frame completely, taking over all structural functions. Finally, the combination body combines the features of a frame and a self-supporting structure. Please note, that the sometimes used distinction between 'working' and 'not working' bodies is not entirely correct, because even with a purely framed design, the body structure carries at least static loads.
The load-bearing structure, together with some elements of the sheathing, forms the body of the body. In the skeletal hull, the plating works only to a small extent, in a semi-shell (mixed) the sheathing mainly transfers shear forces, in the shell, it participates in the entirety of the transferred loads. Plastic sheathing panels may mate with skeletal hulls.

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