Transport of children aged 4-7 years in the car

CHILDREN AT AGE 4-7 LAT – Despite other criteria adopted by manufacturers, A "concentrated" division of age groups of children is beneficial when selecting appropriate safeguards. For preschool children, open-design seats can be used, resembling standard car seats, but dimensionally adjusted to the weight and height of the children. A well-constructed car seat has a headrest, often also the side support of the head, side bends of the backrest and seat that slightly embrace the torso and thighs. Many such solutions have their own seat belt system, there are also such, which use the car's standard seat belts. These seats can be adjusted rearward or forward facing, but only on the rear seat at the edges. For safety reasons, To protect the child's head and cervical spine, we advise you to position the seat facing the direction of travel. In the event of sudden braking, we will protect our child from the painful bending of the neck forward.
In many modern cars, the rear seat belt can be adjusted to the position of the upper anchorage point. This adjustment makes it possible to lower the course of the belt webbing, which can be used when transporting a child. It is enough to place and attach a cushion to raise the level on the seat, on which the child is sitting. The backrest of this combination seat will be the backrest of the rear seat. Raising the seat and lowering the upper seat belt attachment point allows you to use standard belts to protect the little passenger against the effects of a possible collision. Fastening the seat belts also calms the little ones and eliminates the nervousness of the caretakers while constantly observing the behavior of their children, and when the only caretaker is the driver, allows you to better concentrate on the traffic situation.
The extensions available for sale often have an elaborate structure, additional tables are used, hand rests or various types of barriers, protecting the child's torso against moving in the direction of travel when the car hits an obstacle. When selecting such solutions, you should pay attention to these, which are approved and checked by authorized research units – they ensure reliable operation and will not cause side injuries in the event of a collision.

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