Carriage of children in child seats

According to the current regulations, children should be transported in car seats. Manufacturers divide them either by the age of the child (do 9 Months, do 3-4 years and up to 12 years), or by body weight (according to 10 kg, 10-18 kg, 18-36 kg). Depending on the country, from which the car seat comes, the boundaries of these ranges may be fluid. Accepted, that before the child reaches age and size, enabling him to use typical safety belts, will have to use three-size car seats in succession. There are solutions, which "grow with the child" along, np. Maxi Cosi, Concord Lift, and breadth, np. Concord Fix Max "2 in 1". Their versatility, however, must be paid for by a worse adaptation to the physique. All kinds of elevations and coasters are also considered a half-measure. On the domestic accessory market there are practically no car seats adapted to work with the ISOFIX system. Buyer of a new car equipped with this convenience, wanting to use it, is condemned to buy a car seat offered by the manufacturer. Not the best opinion is enjoyed by products of Polish companies, admittedly cheap, but with an archaic design (low quality polystyrene, unsightly and electrifying material). Mid-range car seats of renowned foreign companies represent a similar level of prices and workmanship. They differ in finish and method of assembly and protection of the child against self-release. In general, they can be mounted both rearward-facing (in the front seat next to the driver), as well as forward-facing, on the rear seat. They can then work with the inertial lanes of the extreme passenger seats or the middle lane, usually static. There are convenient solutions with a permanently installed seat base and an easily removable proper seat, to which you can then conveniently pin the child outside the car, with adjustable backrest angle, with additional protective elements, etc..

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