Vehicle operating costs are rising every day.
Every possibility of reducing the cost of operating cars is of interest to their users. Hence numerous questions about the usefulness of the devices offered on the market, advertised as improving the economy of car use.
Customers often ask, or fuel activators (magnetyzery), can reduce fuel consumption while increasing the dynamics of the car and reducing toxic compounds in the exhaust gas. Given the fact, that cheap fuel belongs, In our opinion, to the past, all devices, which may have any impact on reducing its consumption deserve to be discussed and a substantive technical and functional analysis.
First of all, the process of fuel combustion in internal combustion engines should be discussed. Combustion of liquid fuels is preceded by their atomization, that is, creating the appropriate size of liquid droplets. The main goal of this activity is to optimize the rate of change of liquid to vapor by increasing the total surface area of the liquid. The rate of heat and mass exchange between the droplets depends on the size of the evaporation surface, and the gas center.
We can see the importance of this process, by realizing, that a single drop in diameter 1 pm contains approx. 10 billions of fuel molecules, and each of them, in order to burn it completely, it must combine with a dozen or so oxygen molecules. We must be aware, that fuel of all kinds, i.e.. gas, diesel fuel or liquefied gas, flowing into the combustion chamber, it has chaotically arranged molecules. When hydrocarbon molecules are "stuck together", The access of oxygen during combustion is difficult and the fuel is not fully used up. Partial combustion is a large amount of harmful toxic compounds in the exhaust gas polluting the environment, mainly carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC). Partial combustion also creates harmful carbon deposits, which settles in the combustion chamber, on the edges of the pistons, valves, piston rings, injectors and spark plugs. Nagar, colloquially known as "engine cancer",
is the cause of spontaneous combustion, thermal destruction of engine components, lubrication of the piston node deteriorates – cylinder, may cause mechanical damage to valve seats, piston rings and cylinder running surface. Thus, a proper combustion process is a fundamental parameter, decisive for the economy of the engine and its durability.
Fuel combustion process
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