The operation of spark plugs is relatively simple – this device is designed to generate a spark at the right moment, from which the sucked mixture will ignite. Actually, the bigger the spark, the better the combustion of the fuel in the cylinder will be started. However, the possibility of correcting the spark with a spark plug alone is slim. For example, commonly known multi-electrode candles, they do not produce that much sparks at all, how many electrodes they have. A spark always appears between the central electrode and only one of the side electrodes. As a result, multi-electrode candles are more durable than single-electrode candles (their electrodes burn out slower), but candles with one offer better flame spread, with a thin electrode. Similarly, the salutary effect of candles offering surface discharge is questionable. One thing is certain, however: when we replace the spark plugs with new ones in a heavily used engine, we can improve his work, when the old ones were already burned out and could even cause temporary punctures and spark fading.
The unique designs of candles usually increase their durability and obtain the best thermal parameters. In this case, the plug should be exceptionally well suited to the specific type of engine, and even to the conditions of his work. But once the candle is working fine, replacing it with another, np. more expensive, little or no improvement.
Spark plugs
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