Battery replacement

batteryI was advised, to replace the battery in my four-year-old car, although so far I have not had any problems with this device. Apparently they can start in winter – is it not an exaggeration or even a trick on the client?

Automotive lead-acid batteries have a limited life, and their warranty is usually up to two years. They lose their electrical capacity imperceptibly, slowly at first, so, that we do not notice it at all. Chemical processes taking place in them, strictly depend on temperature. With each degree of its decrease, the electric capacity of the battery decreases, meanwhile, we need more fuel to start the car in winter than in summer, as sticky oil makes it difficult to rotate the engine crankshaft. So even the battery, in which there is no shortage of electrolyte, which was charged with the correct voltage, someday he will refuse to obey – and it will be in winter. Four years, now is a good time to replace the battery. Maybe it will last for five years as well, but is it worth checking?? When the car cannot be started after a frosty night, we will regret unnecessary savings.

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