Opel Cadet – Dismantling of a Bosch starter type DF

tmpd136-4 Dismantling of a Bosch starter type DF

■ Unscrew the two screws securing the rear cover to the commutator housing.

■ Remove the retaining half-ring from the rotor, washer (-ki) regulators and a rubber gasket.

■ Remove the two through-bolts that pull the starter body and remove the commutator housing.

■ Take the brushes out of the brush holder and slide the brush holder off the rotor.

■ Remove the nut at the solenoid switch and disconnect the wire coming from the stator winding

■ Remove the two screws securing the solenoid switch to the starter head. Disconnect the switch from the coupling lever and remove it.

■ Unscrew the axle of the coupling lever

■ Lift the cylinder head away from the fuselage and remove the coupling lever.

■ Move the support ring on the rotor towards the pinion. Use a screwdriver to pry off the securing ring underneath, then remove from the impeller.

■ Remove the coupling assembly.

tmpd136-3Wash all the removed parts in extractive gas. The windings should be in short-term contact with gasoline and dried with compressed air.

Mark the over-poles before removing the excitation windings, so that they can return to their place.

Manufactured rotor sliding sleeves must be knocked out of their seats with a suitable mandrel. New bushings to be fitted must be soaked in engine oil for at least 30 minutes. The sleeves are pressed in until they are flush with the edge of the hole.

The starter assembly is carried out in the reverse order to that described. Coat the teeth on the rotor with engine oil, sliding places of the coupling lever and coupling assembly. Place a new circlip on the rotor.

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